SDKs and Libraries

The DreyerX ecosystem integrates with various robust SDKs and libraries to help developers interact seamlessly with its blockchain. This section provides an overview of the available SDKs and libraries that are compatible with DreyerX, their capabilities, and how to get started using them.

What are SDKs and Libraries?

SDK (Software Development Kit)

An SDK is a collection of software development tools in one installable package. These tools facilitate the creation of applications for a specific platform. SDKs typically include:

  • Libraries: Pre-written code that developers can use to perform common tasks.

  • Documentation: Instructions and guides to help developers understand how to use the tools effectively.

  • Code Samples: Examples of how to implement various features using the SDK.

  • APIs: Application Programming Interfaces that allow different software applications to communicate with each other.


Libraries are collections of pre-compiled routines that a program can use. They provide reusable functions, methods, and objects that can significantly streamline development processes. In the context of blockchain, libraries can help manage transactions, interact with smart contracts, handle cryptographic functions, and more.

DreyerX Integrations

DreyerX seamlessly integrates with several popular SDKs and libraries to enhance its functionality and provide developers with a wide array of tools to interact with its blockchain. Below are the currently supported integrations:


DreyerX is integrated with Viem, allowing developers to leverage Viem's powerful features for blockchain interactions. You can find the detailed documentation for using Viem with DreyerX at the following link:

Viem Documentation

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