Node Architecture

Node architecture refers to the structure and organization of nodes within a blockchain network. Nodes are individual computers or devices that participate in the operation of the network by storing a copy of the blockchain, validating transactions, and maintaining network consensus. The architecture of nodes in a blockchain network typically includes the following components:

  1. Validator Nodes: Validator nodes are responsible for validating transactions and creating new blocks in the blockchain. In Proof of Authority (PoA) networks, validator nodes are typically selected based on their reputation and identity within the network. These nodes play a crucial role in maintaining network security and integrity.

  2. Full Nodes: Full nodes store a complete copy of the blockchain and participate in the validation of transactions. Unlike validator nodes, full nodes do not have the authority to create new blocks but contribute to the network's decentralization by verifying and relaying transactions.

  3. Lightweight Nodes: Lightweight nodes, also known as light clients, store only a portion of the blockchain and rely on other nodes to access and verify transaction data. While lightweight nodes consume fewer resources compared to full nodes, they sacrifice some level of security and decentralization by relying on external sources for blockchain information.

  4. Mining Nodes (if applicable): In Proof of Work (PoW) or hybrid PoW/PoS networks, mining nodes are responsible for solving complex cryptographic puzzles to create new blocks and add them to the blockchain. These nodes compete to find the correct solution and receive rewards in the form of newly minted tokens.

  5. Seed Nodes: Seed nodes act as initial points of contact for new nodes joining the network. They provide information about other nodes in the network and help new nodes establish connections with existing peers.

The architecture of nodes in a blockchain network plays a crucial role in determining the network's decentralization, security, and scalability. By distributing network functions across different types of nodes, blockchain networks can achieve a balance between efficiency and resilience, ensuring the integrity and reliability of the system.

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